

Choice of shotgun ammunition

Val av hagelammunition

Shotgun Ammunition

A little about my choices and experiences

When I think of shotgun ammunition for hunting, I mainly use lead.

Since I have a tendency to wear out the markings on my cartridges when they are in pockets and backpacks, many years ago I decided to buy the different shotgun cartridges I use in different colors. The same color of the sleeve but different shot sizes is to me a source of uncertainty and should be avoided.

  • Green cartridges are the lead cartridges I use for driving dog.( Remington express ,Us2, 36g charge.)

  • Black cartridge is the color of medium near pot hold and marten/mink.Winchester, pincho, Us6, 36g charge.

  • Red color on the cartridge is spray gun used for fox pot.Winchester dispersers. Us4, 34g charge.

  • Since the spray gun in us4 and us6 look exactly the same, I have marked the ignition cap on the us6 with a black marker.


Without having a system, you don't know what you have in the shotgun after a while.The marking disappears quickly.


First, of course, I have to test out what I think I need, of course.If we start with the ammunition I use for fox and lynx hunting with driving dogs, a number of years ago I tested shotgun cartridges in different temperatures to see the difference, if there was any.


Temperature affects output speed

That animals would be harder to shoot in the winter due to thicker fur has been a truth for me with modification, possibly so I have thought thicker fur and fat in combination with reduced output speed of the shotgun due to the cold. The fact that the cold affects the burning time of the gunpowder is something you take into account when shooting bullets, so why not shot, I thought.

The tests I did were done on shot ammo from 5´c to -30´c showed that the cold affects the exit velocity of the shot by about 1 m/s per degree.
For example, if the shotgun ammunition exited at 420 m/s at 5'c, the exit velocity decreased to 390 m/s approximately at -30'c. How much  it affects the penetration into the game, I dare not say in practical terms, but in combination with a little more fur/feathers and fat on the body, it can make the game more "hard shot".


Gunpowder Charge, Shot Charge and Shot Size = Penetration Ability

Another test I carried out was shooting wet newsprint at 20 m.
The test was carried out with different shotgun ammunition to check the penetration with the shotgun ammunition that I intend to use for hunting with drifting dogs (us2 3.75mm or us1 4mm). As a test medium   I used a 12mm marine plyfa disc, then newspaper directly behind the plyfa which was soaked up the day before.

To say the least, I can say it was an awakening for me.
I really didn't think the differences could be so big. The extremes of the ammunition tested ranged from not penetrating the ply board at all to penetrating the ply board and 4 cm of wet newspaper at best.

After that, 2 boxes (500 pcs) were ordered with the test winner home straight away. Unfortunately, the ammunition is starting to wear out now, so it may be time to update the test in the future.

The winner was the Remington express, us 2, 36g charge. The ammunition beat the other competitors by such a wide margin that there was no alternative after the test.

Better 36g shot and high speed than 42g and lower speed was one of the lessons learned. Getting a 42g charge up at the same speed costs the shooter and weapon so much that they choose to slow down, which negatively affects the penetration ability. Of course, you can go up in hail size somewhat to increase the penetration ability, but it will be at the expense of the number of hail, which is not interesting to me. A good and even coverage is of course also important.< /span>


Tungsten. ( or tungsten )
A fairly new phenomenon that came to my attention a few years ago is Tungsten. Shots made of tungsten or with tungsten admixture. The advantage of these is that since tungsten is heavier than lead, you can make the pellets  smaller (less air resistance) but they still retain their weight.

The manufacturer I tried from is Ammox. The profit me

3 Responses

Patrik Ivarsson

Patrik Ivarsson

March 09, 2024

Hagelbock för all jakt ikal.12 med 71 pipa.
Haft 3st kal. 12 med 76 då det gick mode i det.
Skit’ klumpigt och långt i skogen.
Körde med kal. 20 ett tag, 2 på raken och upplevde små och glesa svärmar i alla fall på Hare!

Patrik Ivarsson

Patrik Ivarsson

March 09, 2024

Min användning av hagel ammunition inskränker sej numera till jakt på SkogsHare tillsammans med min Hamilton tik Spjutvikens Daisy.
US 5 bly märke spelar ingen roll men gärna lite lättare landningar 32gram!

Martin Lenander

Martin Lenander

January 31, 2022

Hej Rasmus. Jag håller med dig fullständigt i ditt val av hagel ammunition framförallt Remington express us2. Tidigare använde jag Remington duplex 2*4 och 4*6 och det är den bästa hagelammunitionen jag använt problemet är att ingen importerar den längre men vet du vart jag kan köpa Remington express ? Jag skulle vara mkt, tacksam för den informationen. Eller om det är ngn, annan ammo som är bra men ingen magnum skit därför det är bara en hög massa och låg hastighet som är förrädiskt på fullpälsade rådjur. Ha det gott och skitjakt på dig.

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